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Keele University

Keele, Staffordshire, UK, ST5 5BG
+44 1782 621111

Platforma Edukacyjna - gotowe opracowania lekcji oraz testów.
Od 01.01.2015 odwiedzono tę wizytówkę 677 razy.
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Aplikacja bazodanowa - Oleje i akcesoria
Making you feel at home

Here are some of the things we do to make Keele feel like a home away from home.

Before arrival

A comprehensive Information Pack is sent to all new students before they arrive at Keele, including valuable information and advice on the preparations to make before travelling and what to do on arrival.

Upon arrival in the UK

Upon arrival on specified dates at London and Manchester airports, we will arrange for a coach to transport you directly to your room on campus. During your first week, there is a full programme to inform you about academic, welfare and social activities at Keele. For example, there are information sessions on different aspects of living and studying in the UK, coach trips around the local area and entertainment and buffet meals organised by the Students' Union.

International Friendship Scheme

A limited number of international students will be invited to join the International Friendship Scheme, in which you will be befriended by a local 'family' who will invite you to their home for social occasions. For those students who do not have links with families in the UK this is an opportunity to experience British home life whilst providing you with friendship, support and information about living in the local area. Further information on the scheme can be obtained by contacting the International Support Officer.

Mentor Scheme

At Keele we also offer the opportunity for you to join the Mentor Scheme. The Scheme links international students with UK students who are already studying at Keele. They will be on-hand to help you find your way around and guide you through the Keele system. This Scheme has helped many international students in the past to settle and enjoy their time here at Keele. Further information on the Scheme will be sent to students before they arrive at Keele.

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